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The Buildings at Risk Register is a unique resource which has been built up by The Scottish Civic Trust since 1990. It was established on behalf of Historic Scotland who fully fund the programme.

The Register provides information about endangered buildings of all kinds-from pigsties to palaces. Essentially it operates like a sort of computerised dating agency for neglected buildings, aiming to marry up interested and concerned restorers with suitable restoration projects. The Register now runs to some 1,500 buildings and includes castles, mansions, churches, schools, industrial buildings, town halls, farm buildings, town houses, commercial premises and thatched cottages. Some are roofless shells with the potential for reinstatement, others are still in fair condition having only recently been vacated but are threatened with prolonged disuse. Many simply lie derelict and neglected, prey to vandalism, rot and the destruction forces of rampant vegetation.

The aim of the Register is to put potential restorers in touch with owners who are not in a position to tackle the problems themselves, in the hope of encouraging fruitful dialogue which might result in a building being given a new lease of life. For owners of endangered buildings, the chance for some free publicity and help in finding find the right sort of restoring purchaser/lease holder willing to take the problem off their hands is invaluable. For those seeking a challenge, details of buildings at risk are available in our fully illustrated Buildings at Risk Bulletin (available on request for £5), and by means of illustrated computer printouts tailored to suit individual requests, again available for £5. The Bulletin also contains other useful information and features some of the many success stories that have resulted from this service.

The Buildings at Risk office also provides advice on where to seek financial assistance. Our regularly updated publication Sources of Financial Help for Scotland’s Historic Buildings is available on request for £5. Advice on a wide range of other issues relating to the rescue of historic buildings is also readily available.

We hope that any member of the public who is concerned about a building at risk, or can update us on the circumstances of those we already know about, will get in contact.

For further information, contact: Mary Miers, Buildings at Risk Office, The Scottish Civic Trust, 42 Miller Street, Glasgow G1 1DT

0141 248 3398 Email:

For information on Buildings at Risk elsewhere in Great Britain, contact:

For England:

English Heritage, Buildings at Risk, Room 324, 23 Savile Row, London W1X 1AB     Tel. 0171 973 3280

SAVE Britain’s Heritage, 77 Cowcross Street, London EC1M 6BP                              Tel. 0171 253 3500

For Northern Ireland:

Ulster Architectural Heritage Society, 66 Donegall Pass, Belfast BT7 OBU                 Tel. 01232 550213

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